This page is to help you if you have any concerns about a child as a parent or carer and to point you in the right direction if you need any help or advice.
Are you concerned about a child, or would you like advice on accessing help for your own family?
Safeguarding is Everyone's Business. If you have a concern about a child don't ignore it, report it. Don't wait until you're certain: if you have any concerns or suspicions, contact us as soon as possible.
If you're involved with the Child Protection process, the following resources have been produced to help you.
If you have any concerns and need further information please either speak with your social worker or contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub:
Are you looking after someone else’s Child?
Is your child living with another family?
Is another family’s child living with you?
This is called private fostering.
Private fostering is a private arrangement made by a child’s parent, or someone with parental responsibility, for the child to live with someone who is not a close relative (grandparent, sibling, biological uncle or aunt, or step-parent by marriage or civil partnership).
The local authority need to be made aware of these arrangements.
A range of information and advice is available for families from organisations based in the City of York.
Adfam provides support to adult family members (and friends/carers) of those with substance use problems. This support is delivered via one to one and group sessions.
If you live in the York area and are affected by a loved one’s substance use, please use the referral link on their website.
The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) is for children and young people up to the age of 18 who have emotional or behavioural problems or other mental health difficulties.
Citizens Advice York offer free and impartial advice on a wide range of subjects, including benefits, debt, housing and employment.
See links to available support and advice for children and families on the City of York Council website.
If you're worried a child may be struggling with their mental health, or is experiencing depression or anxiety, advice and support is available for parents and carers.
Healthwatch York have produced a York Mental Health and Wellbeing Guide which contains all the useful contact details of services available within City of York.
Independent Domestic Abuse Services (IDAS) is the largest specialist charity in the North supporting people affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence.
Ivison Trust (formally known as Parents Against Child Exploitation – PACE) support parents and carers whose children are being exploited by offenders outside of the family. Their website contains advice and support for parents.
Parentline, provided by Family Lives, is a free, confidential 24-hour helpline for parents and carers.
The Parentline telephone number is: 0808 000 2222.
Every year in the UK 300 babies die suddenly and unexpectedly in their sleep. While there is no advice which can guarantee the prevention of sudden and unexpected death in infancy (SUDI), also referred to as sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), there are a number of things you can do to reduce the risk to your baby both at nap time and bed time.
The CYSCP have been working with North Yorkshire (NYSCP) to produce some advice for parents and this is available on the NYSCP website.
Everybody should have a safe place to live. It's a basic human right, yet thousands of children and young people are homeless in Britain today.
SASH is a registered charity preventing homelessness in young people aged 16 to 25 throughout North and East Yorkshire.
When young people are facing homelessness, they can offer a spare room in the home of a trained volunteer and support to move forward.
Find information about a whole range of support around drug and alcohol use, including for people of all ages affected by someone else’s substance use. It is kept up-to-date online.
The Raise York Service is a free and impartial information service for parents and carers of children and young people aged 0-19 (or up to 25 for disabled children).
They can help with anything and everything around family life and being a young person.
York Mind's wide range of services help individuals as they recover from a variety of mental health conditions.
York Samaritans help and support thousands of people every year in the York area and currently have 136 listening and non-listening members, either trained or in training.
The following national websites offer a host of advice, guidance and support for both parents and carers and children and young people. They cover a wide variety of topics such as bullying, gender identity, mental health, abuse and exploitation.
The Anti-Bullying Alliance provide an interactive anti-bullying information tool for parents and carers.
As well as offering services which your child may be able to access, Barnado’s also provide guidance and support online for parents, carers and families.
The Childline website is run by the charity and sponsored by major UK children’s’ charities aimed at parents and young people.
Educate Against Hate provides government advice and trusted resources to help safeguard students from radicalisation, build resilience to all types of extremism and promote shared values.
LBTQ+ inclusion impacts many young people today. If you are wanting to support an LGBTQ+ child or young person, here are some resources you may find useful:
John Hopkins Medicine provide tips for Parents of LGBTQ youth.
Modern slavery is happening in our communities - being able to spot the signs and know what to do could make a life-changing difference. You might walk past or speak to someone who needs help without you even realising it.
Hope for Justice provide guidance for you to help spread the word about the signs to look out for.
If you need bullying advice, you can call Kidscape’s Parent Advice Line. They give friendly, impartial advice to anyone who is concerned about a child - either because they are being bullied, or because they may be involved in bullying others.
The National FGM Centre, established in 2015 aims to achieve a system change in the provision of services for children and their families who are affected by Female Genital Mutilation (FGM). In 2017, the focus of our work was extended to include Breast Flattening and Child Abuse Linked to Faith or Belief.
Parenting can be rewarding, but it can also be challenging.
The NSPCC website has parenting tips for all stages of your child's life, as well as advice on how to deal with difficult situations.
Stop Hate UK is a leading national organisation working to challenge all forms of Hate Crime and discrimination, based on any aspect of an individual’s identity.
The following websites offer advice and guidance on a range of mental health topics.
MindEd is a free educational resource on children, young people, adults and older people's mental health.
The NHS offer advice on where to get help for self-harm.
PAPYRUS Prevention of Young Suicide is the UK charity dedicated to the prevention of suicide and the promotion of positive mental health and emotional wellbeing in young people.
PAPYRUS have produced a guide for parents which has been created following discussions with parents who have experience of supporting a young person struggling with their mental health.
Their website also includes other resources and advice if you are worried about someone.
Stem4 - Supporting Teenage Mental Health is a useful website for parents and carers who have concerns about teenagers mental health. Stem4 provide resources and apps which provide support and advice.
Whether you want to understand more about how you're feeling and find ways to feel better, or you want to support someone who's struggling, Young Minds can help.
The Breck Foundation was founded in 2014 in response to the tragic loss of Breck Bednar, a 14-year-old boy who was groomed and murdered by someone he met online. Their work aims to prevent this from ever happening again.
You can contact Child Exploitation Online Protection Command (CEOP) safely and securely if you have experienced online sexual abuse or you're worried this is happening to someone you know.
Childnet is an interactive safety programme website for schools, young people, parents and agencies.
The Internet Watch Foundation is the UK hotline for reporting illegal Internet content.
Parent Info provides up-to-date, expert information for parents on a range of concerns they may have about children and young people in relation to online safety.
Think U Know is a website aimed at children and young people provided by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre. The website contains very useful information about how to stay safe online.
The UK Safer Internet Centre provide resources for parents and carers who want to know more about gaming, from privacy to parental controls.