The Children Act 2004, as amended by the Children and Social Work Act 2017, and the associated statutory guidance Working Together to Safeguard Children (2018) replaced Local Safeguarding Children Boards (LSCBs) with new local multi-agency safeguarding partnership arrangements (MASA).
The new MASA arrangements placed new duties on the three Statutory Safeguarding Partners (namely: the Local Authority, the Police and the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care partnership) in local areas, to make arrangements to work together, and with other relevant agencies locally, to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children in their area.
See further information about the City of York Safeguarding Children Partnership including which organisations are partners.
We regularly review the CYSCP privacy notice, and it was last updated in September 2024.
See details of specific privacy information for each of the statutory partner organisations including details of their ICO registration and Data Protection Officer:
When appropriate we will provide a ‘just in time’ notice to cover any additional processing activities not mentioned in this privacy notice.
We get information about you from the following sources.
We do not collect information when you use a link in our website to other externally operated websites. If you transfer to another site, please read their Privacy Notice or Statement, this will also apply to individual partners and agencies websites within the CYSCP.
If you are accessing online services and are under the age of 13; please get your parent/guardian's permission beforehand whenever you provide us with personal information.
We receive information from:
We process different categories of personal information about you such as:
We may also process information about services you have received and criminal conviction data in accordance with our statutory functions.
The purpose of our local arrangements is to support and enable organisations and agencies across York to work together so that:
The CYSCP website hosts an online Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) referral form. This form is to enable professionals and members of the public to submit a children’s safeguarding referral. Although this online form is hosted on the CYSCP website, the information within it is submitted directly to the MASH and not to the CYSCP.
The CYSCP also gathers information to know how well agencies are working together to keep children safe. This helps us understand the experiences of children and young people living in York. Where appropriate we will seek information from parents and carers and the wishes and feelings of children (including children who might not ordinarily be heard) about the priorities and the effectiveness of local safeguarding work.
The CYSCP provides multi-agency face to face and e-learning courses to practitioners working with children and young people and their families/carers in York. These courses are designed to improve the safeguarding of children and young people in York. We will contact learners who have completed a course, approximately 3 to 6 months, after their attendance or completion, to take part in a survey to help us understand and monitor how the training has impacted on their working practices and on children and young people they work with in York. The information from these surveys is collated, analysed and reviewed on a quarterly basis and a summary produced on an annual basis. We never use your name or any other personal identifiable information in any presentations or reports, as it is anonymised and will not identify any individuals. The anonymised information contributes to the annual learning needs analysis as well as helping to understand the quality and impact of the training. A report, based on the anonymous information, is compiled for CYSCP and a summary provided within the CYSCP annual report as part of the Partnership’s requirement to monitor the impact of training.
The CYSCP produces a free monthly newsletter to share and disseminate information to our partners, stakeholders and wider community. If you choose to sign up to receive these, you are giving your consent for us to process your information for this purpose. You can withdraw your consent or unsubscribe, at any time by contacting us on email: [email protected]
The CYSCP may use your information to create reports and statistics that are anonymous and cannot be linked back to you, your family or individuals such as:
We do not carry out any automated decision-making without any human intervention in the CYSCP.
Please see our Cookies Policy for further information about the information we collect automatically when you use our website.
Where we provide services directly to children or young people, the information in the relevant parts of this notice applies to children and young people, as well as adults.
Any personal data including special category data and criminal offence data that we process about individuals is done so in accordance with Article 6, 9 and 10 of the UK GDPR and Schedule 1 of the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018).
Article 6(1):
Article 9(2):
The public tasks based on the public interest and legal obligations arise from the following provisions:
Where we process personal data relating to criminal convictions and offences, this is also under Article 10 UK GDPR that covers processing in relation to criminal convictions and offences or related security measures. In addition, section 11(2) of the DPA 2018 specifically confirms that this includes personal data relating to the alleged commission of offences, or proceedings for an offence committed or alleged to have been committed, including sentencing.
Some of the Schedule 1 conditions for processing special category and criminal offence data require an Appropriate Policy Document (APD) to be in place, that sets out and explains the procedures for securing compliance with the principles in Article 5 and policies regarding the retention and erasure of such personal data. This document explains this processing and satisfies the requirements of Schedule 1, Part 4 of the DPA 2018 and supplements this privacy notice.
See the Appropriate Policy Documents for each of the statutory partner organisations:
Information will only be kept for as long as is necessary by the relevant CYSCP partner.
We will always satisfy ourselves that we have a lawful basis on which to share information and document our decision making.
We will not sell or rent your information to third parties. We will not share your information with third parties for marketing purposes.
We may be required or permitted, under Data Protection legislation, to disclose your information without your explicit consent, for example if we have a legal obligation to do so, such as safeguarding, law enforcement, fraud investigations, regulation and licensing, criminal prosecutions, and court proceedings.
Additionally, we are required under the Public Records Act 1958 (as amended) to transfer records to the City or National Archives (TNA) for permanent preservation. Full consideration will be given to Data Protection and Freedom of Information legislation when making decisions about whether such records should be open to the public.
Where we have external third parties providing parts or all of our services for us, we only work with them where we are satisfied, they take appropriate measures to protect your personal information and where required, we have contracts or agreements in place with them.
Where we use SurveyMonkey for our surveys, you can find out how they use your information in the Survey Monkey Privacy Notice.
When you take part in learning and development through the CYSCP we work with AdaptiVLE, you can find out how they use your information in the AdaptiVLE Privacy Policy.
When you subscribe to our newsletters, we use Granicus Gov Delivery to send you updates and newsletters, you can find out how they use your information in the Granicus Privacy Policy.
If we use Microsoft Teams, to contact you, to gather information from you, or if we are recording or transcribing our discussion or meeting with you, we will let you know. You can find more details about this in the City of York Council Microsoft Office 365 (MS365) Teams Meeting recording and transcription privacy notice.
When we use Zimma Ltd trading as Ticket Tailor for arranging and organising events, you can find out how they use your information in the Ticket Tailor Privacy Policy.
When we use Eventbrite for arranging and organising events, you can find out how they use your information in the Eventbrite Privacy Policy.
We don’t routinely transfer personal data outside of the UK but when this is necessary, we ensure that we have appropriate safeguards in place and that is done in accordance with the UK data protection and privacy legislation.
We are committed to keeping your information safe and secure. There are several ways we do this, such as:
To find out about your rights under Data Protection law, you can go to the Information Commissioners Office (ICO).
You can also find information about your rights in the City of York Council Privacy Notice.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Notice, want to exercise your rights, or if you have a complaint about how your information has been used, please contact us on email: [email protected], or telephone: 01904 554145, or write to:
Data Protection OfficerTo find out what the council does with your information when making an online payment, please see the City of York Council Privacy Notice - online payments. Where we use Stripe for online payments, you can find their privacy information at the Stripe Privacy Policy.
We are the sole owner of the information collected via our website. It does not store or capture personal data of users with general public access, but does log the IP address of a visitor. This enables us to determine which pages are being viewed and helps us to improve our services. It does not use cookies for the general running of the City of York Safeguarding Children Partnership (CYSCP) website, but does use them to enable requested services (for example, payments) and to remember choices during the visit.
Anonymous information about page visits is collected using Google Analytics.
Our website privacy notice does not cover external websites; we encourage you to read the privacy notices on any other websites you visit.
Our website also lists email addresses for external organisations (those addresses that don't contain 'york.gov.uk'); we cannot guarantee what will happen to your personal data if you email an external organisation.
By using our website you are consenting to certain types of cookie being placed on your device. See our Cookies Policy.
Where our website links to external resources or websites, these may add their own cookies. These are outside our control. Cookies can be disabled by changing the settings in your browser, but you may need to re-enter information at times.
Emails that we send to you or you send to us, may be retained as a record of contact and your email address stored for future use in accordance with our record retention schedules. If we need to email sensitive or confidential information to you, we may perform checks to verify the correct email address and may take additional security measures.
You will not receive unsolicited paper or electronic mail as a result of sending us any personal data while using our website, unless you have given us permission to do this.
We do not pass personal data to third parties for marketing, sales or any other commercial purposes without your prior explicit consent.
If we have to share your personal data externally, we require any third party to comply with the principles of data protection legislation, and our procedures and instructions, when they use your information on our behalf.