A boy's hand thrust forward towards the camera

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Child Not Brought to Appointments

Published 22 July 2024.

Many children and young people are reliant on someone else to take them to meetings or appointments that relate to their welfare, care or health and as a result they are sometimes not taken to them.This may mean that a professional may record them as having ‘not attended’.

This is a safeguarding concern. A reminder that all professionals should use “Was Not Brought” rather than “Did Not Attend” for recording or noting the non-attendance of children and young people who are reliant on someone else to take them to a meeting or appointment.

The phrase “Did Not Attend” implies that the individual for whom the appointment or meeting has been arranged is responsible for not attending. There may be many reasons as to why someone doesn’t attend an appointment, however if a child is reliant on someone else to make, rearrange or take them to appointments or meetings, recording or noting “Was Not Brought” is a more accurate representation of the situation.

Recording or noting “Was Not Brought” enables a professional to consider the reasons why a child was not brought to a meeting or appointment, the implications for them not having been brought, and assess the potential risks or safeguarding concerns for them, especially if there is a repeat pattern of non-attendance.

A reminder that there is a lovely video explaining this. Please share with your colleagues and professoinals and discuss in your team meetings.

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Building relationships and connecting with fathers and male carers

A partnership priority theme for this year is to focus on raising awareness to professionals on the importance of building relationships and connecting with fathers and male carers.

The difficulties of building relationships with fathers and male carers has been regularly highlighted, both within learning from local reviews of recent cases and also multi-agency audits. Focus is usually around mothers for a variety of reasons.

One of our quarterly multi-agency sub-group meetings recently had a themed discussion around this theme and explored useful tips for connecting with fathers, as well as exploring the potential barriers facing professionals. Following on from this discussion a ‘Learning on a Page’ has been produced which is designed to help professionals consider when working with families and young people.

The ‘Learning on a Page’ can be found on the following webpage, along with a new One Minute Guide which has been reviewed and updated:

We would like to encourage you to share this with your professionals, discuss in your team meetings or supervision sessions, and to raise awareness and build into your daily practice when working with children, young people and their families.

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CYSCP new documentation

The following multi-agency documentation has recently been approved by the Safeguarding and Professional Practice Sub-Group and is now available on the CYSCP website.

Child Protection

A new Child Protection narrated PowerPoint training presentation is now available. This is accessible from our training portal:

If you don't already have an account, sign up to access the PowerPoint presentation. It's free to access and doesn’t take too long to view.

We also have other narrated PowerPoint training videos on the training portal.

Additionally, the Child Protection Medical procedure and accompanying leaflet has been reviewed and updated. Both documents are available on the Child Protection procedure webpage:

There is also a webpage with further information in relation to Child Protection:

Joint Targeted Area Inspection

The CYSCP have now produced practice guidance and 7 point briefing for a Joint Targeted Area Inspection (JTAI).

The current theme is around Serious Youth Violence. A new theme has been announced in relation to Domestic Abuse. Once the new framework has been released for Domestic Abuse, the practice guidance will be reviewed and updated.

See further information in relation to JTAI:

7 Point Briefings - Learning on a Page

The partnership regularly produce 7 point briefings - learning on page to disseminate learning from case reviews and audits.

3 new 7 point briefings have just been published and are available on the CYSCP website:

  • Isla
  • Jenny
  • Sarah and Tom

View and all our briefings online:

Please share with your colleagues and discuss in your team meetings:

CYSCP Professional Resolutions Practice Guidance

The aim of this practice guidance is to promote a culture of partnership working, whereby all agencies working with children, young people and their families feel confident, able and supported to address concerns in situations where there are differences in professional judgements around the response to the well-being and safety of children and young people.

Please take your time to review the procedure and share with your colleagues:

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New York drug and alcohol service provider

Published 19 July 2024.

City of York Council has awarded the drug and alcohol service contract to a leading health and social care charity, Change Grow Live.

The charity will deliver an £1.8 million service to provide community-based treatment and interventions for York residents wishing to access support for substance and alcohol use.

Change Grow Live helps tens of thousands of people each day, delivering over 150 services across the UK including supporting individuals, families and communities whose lives are adversely affected by crime, substance use, homelessness, anti-social behaviour, domestic violence, social deprivation and lack of opportunity.

Locally, Change Grow Live will deliver an integrated alcohol and drug treatment and recovery service to be available to all York residents.

Recovery is at its core, as well as recognising the role that trauma exposure can have on our residents, enabling them to be free from drug and alcohol dependence and enter recovery.

The service will support everyone, at all ages, providing dedicated support for adults and children and young people.

York residents can access treatment and support through contacting the service directly, or through referrals from local health and care professionals.

There is a single point of contact telephone number: 01904 464680, as well as online referral and self-referral forms.

See further information in relation to Change Grow Live Drug and Alcohol services in York.

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Ivison Trust new referral form

Published 11 June 2024.

Ivison Trust (formally known as Parents Against Child Exploitation – PACE) now has a new online Ivison Trust referral form.

Ivison Trust offers a Parent Liaison Officer (PLO) support service in North Yorkshire for parents and carers of children who are, or who are at risk of being, exploited by individuals from outside the family. This includes all the main forms of child exploitation, including child sexual exploitation (CSE) child criminal exploitation (CCE) modern slavery, human trafficking and criminalisation (including county lines) and those who repeatedly go missing from home. The service deals with medium and high risk referrals, which can be referred into Ivison Trust by statutory and third sector agencies, self-referrals are also welcome.

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Safeguarding Week 2024

Published 20 May 2024.

Programme of free online sessions announced for Safeguarding Week (Monday 17 to Friday 21 June 2024).

Partners from Safeguarding Adults Boards, Children’s Safeguarding Partnerships, Community Safety Partnerships across North Yorkshire, the City of York, East Riding and Hull have come together and developed an extensive programme of learning events, seminars and interactive sessions which all underpin this year’s theme - ‘Safeguarding is everybody’s business.'

Spurred on by the success of Safeguarding Week 2023 the safeguarding partners have worked to extend the range of topics being covered this year. While a number of the sessions are open only to professionals working in the safeguarding sector, the majority of the sessions are also open to the public.

The week-long programme of over 40 sessions caters for members of the public who want to learn more about safeguarding. Covering topics such as modern slavery, drug and alcohol use, learning from local and national reviews, domestic abuse and much more. The sessions have been designed to stimulate discussion, spark innovation and share best practice. Each session will be delivered by inspirational and motivational speakers, all of whom are experts in their field.

The full programme of events for Safeguarding Week 2024 is open for viewing and booking via EventBrite and early registration is recommended to avoid disappointment. All the agencies involved will be sharing information across their social media channels and website in the run up to Safeguarding week and throughout the week. To follow along look for the hashtag #safeguardingweek2024.

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YoungMinds training

Published 22 April 2024.

Our partners at Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership have kindly partnered with us to offer our staff free places on the YoungMinds training in May and June 2024.

Training is delivered to over 10,000 professionals each year and their expert trainer consultants will give participants the practical skills to support the young people they work with. All training sessions will be delivered online via Zoom for a maximum of 30 York colleagues.

Book online now using the Eventbrite links below to secure your spot. All webinars are delivered via Zoom:

  • 23 May 1.00pm to 2.00pm Webinar for Trusted Adults supporting young people in the community. This webinar is designed for adults who may be supporting young people, formally or informally, in the community to understand the importance of their role in young people’s mental health. It is also designed to help them reflect on what they do and identify potential actions they could take to support young people further. Book online (I work in York) Book online (I work in North Yorkshire)
  • 5 June 10.00am to 1.30pm Introduction to adolescent mental health. This foundational course will help participants understand the processes involved in adolescence and how the transition from childhood to adulthood can impact the emotional wellbeing of young people. Book online (I work in York) Book online (I work in North Yorkshire)
  • 11 June 1.00pm to 4.30pm Involving young people facing marginalisation and barriers. Participants explore how marginalisation and barriers can affect young people and their experience of mental health services and how participation can help improve both. Book online (I work in York) Book online (I work in North Yorkshire)
  • 13 June 1.00pm to 2.00pm Trusted Adults supporting young people in the community. This webinar is designed for adults who may be supporting young people, formally or informally, in the community to understand the importance of their role in young people’s mental health. It is also designed to help them reflect on what they do and identify potential actions they could take to support young people further. Book online (I work in York) Book online (I work in North Yorkshire)
  • 19 June 1.00pm to 4.30pm Introduction to adolescent mental health. This foundational course will help participants understand the processes involved in adolescence and how the transition from childhood to adulthood can impact the emotional wellbeing of young people. Book online (I work in York) Book online (I work in North Yorkshire)
  • 25 June 10.00am to 1.30pm Involving young people facing marginalisation and barriers. Participants explore how marginalisation and barriers can affect young people and their experience of mental health services and how participation can help improve both. Book online (I work in York) Book online (I work in North Yorkshire)

There is no expectation to join each session, staff can access courses of their choice.

If you have questions about the training or booking system, please email [email protected]


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New commissioned exploitation support service

Published 22 April 2024.

Following a recent Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner tender exercise, St. Giles Trust will shortly be delivering North Yorkshire SOS+, a new exploitation support service for children and young adults in York and North Yorkshire.

Delivery will commence on Monday 13 May 2024. The SOS+ service will:

  • support those aged 10 to 25 who have been victims of, or are at risk of all forms of exploitation, and those who repeatedly go missing
  • focus on early intervention and prevention via community outreach and awareness raising across youth and educational settings
  • provide support to victims of exploitation to cope with the immediate impacts of the crime and to rebuild resilience from the harm experienced
  • provide bespoke support via keyworkers, who will establish the most appropriate type of support dependent upon needs, support can be offered via brief intervention or longer-term support
  • include support from those with lived experience of exploitation
  • capture the voice of the child/young adult and ensure this is fed into local arrangements
  • raise awareness of the signs and symptoms of all forms of exploitation
  • improve outcomes for the individuals supported by the service, across a range of pathways

There are 4 ‘Lunch & Learn’ sessions being held, where you can find out more information on North Yorkshire SOS+.

The sessions will be being hosted by St Giles Trust using Microsoft Teams. You can join a Teams meeting from any device, whether or not you have a Teams account. See advice on how to join a Teams meeting from Microsoft.

The session details are as follows:

To make a referral, complete the St Giles Trust referral form.

The St Giles Trust offers:

  • support for children and young adults who are victims of exploitation, or affected by exploitation
  • focus on early intervention and prevention
  • Peer Mentor support

The Children’s Society who deliver the current Hand in Hand service will accept referrals until Monday 6 May 2024, if any referrals are received between Monday 6 May and Monday 13 May they will be held until Monday 13 May and picked up by the SOS+ team. Any open case that is held by the Hand in Hand service will be transferred over to the SOS+ service.

If you have any queries contact the St. Giles Trust Service Manager by email: [email protected].

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Signs of Safety - Building Brighter Futures Practice Model Partner Briefing Sessions

Published 15 April 2024.

Following the overarching briefing session regarding Building Brighter Futures Practice Model (which covered Family Seeing and Signs of Safety Approaches) the Learning Development and Implementation Team Members will be holding a series of workshop style briefing sessions focusing on the different elements and tools that practitioners will be using within the new practice model.

  • Wednesday 24 April 2024, 2.00pm to 3pm: Staying in the Middle Column – This session will focus on how we work with families in a solution focused, strength-based approach
  • Thursday 16 May 2024, 12.00pm to 1.00pm: Wellbeing, Danger, Belonging Statements and Safety Goals – This session will focus on what these statement and goals mean, where you will see them and how they aid families in understanding professionals’ concerns
  • Tuesday 18 June 2024, 12.00pm to 1.00pm: Using Scaling questions – This session will discuss how scaling questions are used in a variety of meetings and what this means for partners
  • Thursday 20 June, 1.00pm to 4.00pm: Signs of Belonging – This session will help us think about and understand the practice principles of Signs of Belonging and the next steps to further develop our own Practice Model. This is a great opportunity for all of us involved in the lives of children and families across the City of York to reflect together on how we can make a difference!

These sessions are open to all multi-agency partners including Children’s Social Care and Adult Social Care, Police, Health, Local Authority, Education, Voluntary Sector.

All sessions are held on MicroSoft Teams. To book these sessions, Login to MyLO. Click access this course at the top of the course page and then ‘sign up’ next to the date that you want to attend. Contact WDU by email: [email protected] if you have any further queries.

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NSPCC Pregnancy in Mind (PiM)

Published 20 March 2024.

The NSPCC Pregnancy in Mind (PiM) service has been launched in three areas of North Yorkshire. Pregnancy in Mind (PiM) service is a preventative, evidence-based, group work, mental health service for parents-to-be who are at risk of or experiencing mild to moderate anxiety and / or depression during the perinatal period. The programme is for any expectant parent. It consists of 8 group work sessions, usually 1 per week. The group can be delivered face to face or virtually over Skype or MS Teams. Programme Outline:

  • mindfulness meditation
  • active relaxation
  • understanding my mental health and developing ways to manage it
  • bringing baby into the room
  • social support
  • couple and co-parenting
  • wellbeing measures

Referral criteria:

  • Expectant parents from early pregnancy 12 – 26 weeks gestation, and/or their partners
  • Are at risk of or are experiencing mild to moderate anxiety and/or depression

There does not have to be a medical diagnosis of anxiety and/or depression

For more information and to make a referral please contact: NSPCC North East, Yorkshire, and the Humber on telephone: 01274 381440 or by email: [email protected]

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Children and Young People' Plan launched

Published 18 March 2024.

The City of York Council have just launched a new Children and Young People' Plan which sets out their ambitions and provides the city-wide strategic framework for all partners.

The plan sets out their shared moral purpose, values and how we work together with children, young people, families and communities. At its heart the plan reflects the key things that children, young people, parents and partners tell us matter most and what they need.

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National Child Exploitation Awareness Day

Published 23 February 2024.

Date for your diaries: Tuesday 18 March.

The National Child Exploitation Awareness Day (CEADay) takes place on 18 March annually. The National Child Exploitation Awareness Day is a great way to highlight the issues surrounding Child Exploitation; encouraging everyone to think, spot and speak out against abuse and adopt a zero tolerance to adults developing inappropriate relationships with children or children exploiting and abusing their peers.

Join the conversation on social media at #CEADay. Further information is available on the National Child Exploitation Awareness Day website and resources can be found on the STOPCE website.

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Safer Sleep Week

Published 23 February 2024.

Dates for your diary: Monday 11 March to Sunday 17 March.

Safer Sleep Week is a national campaign which takes place annually in March. Visit the Lullaby Trust website for further information including a resource pack, Safer Sleep leaflets and videos.

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Young Carers Action Day

Published 23 February 2024.

Wednesday 13 March 2024 is Young Carers Action Day (YCAD) which is an annual event organised by Carers Trust.

It's a day of recognition and action for young carers and young adult carers across the UK. To celebrate Young Carers Action Day a wide range of events for Young Carers will be taking place. In the run up to York Carers Action Day, local MP's and schools will be written to across York to raise awareness of children and young people with caring responsibilities and the support that is available to them. You can read more about York Carers Action Day and pledge your support for young carers and young adult carers online.

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Joint Serious Violence Strategy Published for York and North Yorkshire

Published 23 February 2024.

Key partners from across York and North Yorkshire have come together to publish a Serious Violence Response Strategy (SVRS), assessing the current state of serious violence across our region and assigning key priorities to help combat it.

The Serious Violence Duty (SVD) introduced by the Home Office in January 2023 requires the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner to convene key local partners to work in partnership to prevent and reduce serious violence that occurs in the local area.

Read the full SVRS strategy, which contains further detail about the nature of serious violence in North Yorkshire and the steps being taken by key partners to tackle it.

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Commissioner Zoë Metcalfe announces start date for Chief Constable of North Yorkshire

Published 23 February 2024.

Tim Forber will start his role as Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police on Monday 1 April 2024. On 11 January, the Police, Fire & Crime Panel endorsed the Commissioner’s preferred candidate, Tim Forber, to be the next Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police. The Commissioner has confirmed that Tim will take up his role from 1 April 2024 following the retirement of Lisa Winward on 31 March 2024. Elliot Foskett is currently the Acting Chief Constable of North Yorkshire Police.

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Managing Allegations - Good Practice Briefing

Published 15 February 2024.

A free good practice session has been arranged by the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) in relation to Managing Allegations.

The session is aimed at Early Years and Childcare Designated Safeguarding Leads and deputies, and any other staff or committee members you feel may benefit from attending.

The session will cover the provision of advice and guidance to employers and voluntary organisations, procedures for identified cases and an opportunity to ask questions.

The session will also cover relevant themes identified, such as low level concerns.

This is a virtual session, delivered by Michelle Turner, LADO.

Date and time of session:

  • Tuesday 14 May, 6.15pm to 7.30pm

To book a place email: [email protected].

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