Stay up to date with the latest news relating to safeguarding children and young people in York.
Read our recent news:
Published 15 January 2025.
On Monday 27 January 2025, 11.00am to 1.00pm, Dez Holmes will be presenting a keynote on working with adolescents and those experiencing extra-familial harm.
Dez is the Director of Research in Practice, a not-for-profit organisation that since 1996 has been supporting those who work with children, families and adults to use evidence in their practice and leadership.
This session will be a valuable learning opportunity for any professionals working with young people. Attendees will deepen their understanding of the challenges faced by adolescents in extra-familial contexts, such as peer influence, exploitation, and community-based risks.
Book your place on the Working with Adolescents virtual session.
Please note: if you're already booked on to the Contextual Safeguarding Launch in the Hudson Room at West Offices on this date, you don't need to book onto this separately as this keynote will be streamed into the room as part of that session.
Published 31 December 2024.
The CYSCP are proud to present 2 upcoming Learning Masterclass sessions, which will be held online via Microsoft Teams.
These sessions will introduce York’s Children’s Rights Toolkit, a practical framework designed to help you embed children’s rights into everyday practice, evaluate where you stand on supporting children’s rights, and what steps you can take to realise them in meaningful ways.
The sessions are presented by Niall McVicar, Head of Innovation and Children’s Champion, and Dr. Jo Williams, Educational and Child Psychologist, both from the City of York Council.
Date and time: 18 February 2025, at midday.
Take part in Part 1 online via MyLO
Date and time: 12 March 2025, at midday.
Take part in Part 2 online via MyLO
To book a place, go to the course pages and select ‘Access this course’, then select ‘Sign-up’ next to the course date.
If you have any queries, contact us on email: [email protected].
Published 20 December 2024.
Following consultation with early help colleagues and partners we're pleased to launch the updated Early Help Assessment and Team Around The Family Forms. An Early Help Assessment is a way of exploring with families what they would like support with. It can also help you to understand what is going well for a family, what they may need help with and who or which services can help them. The Assessment is a tool that can help organise these thoughts, create a plan of support and identify a possible team around the family, if needed.
We hope practitioners find the forms more user friendly but also more effective in identifying and coordinating support for families. This revised approach much better aligns with the Building Brighter Futures Practice Model and helps us all work together to keep children safe.
Full Guidance in the use of these new forms is also available. We would ask that partners delete copies of previous blank forms as we move to this new paperwork. Should you require any further help, contact the Supporting Families Team by email: [email protected] and a member of the team will respond to you; provide your phone number if you would prefer a call back.
To further support practitioners in the city, the Supporting Families Team has produced and is now sharing an “Early Help Resource Pack” The pack is available as a resource for anyone working with children, young people and families in the city.
It contains advice about early help processes and offers a range of tools and information about early help including assessment tools, sources of information to support families and ongoing workforce development opportunities.
Find these resources on the support for partners in delivering Early Help for families page.
Please note: these downloads may not be accessible to users of assistive techology. Request these documents in an accessible format.
Published 19 December 2024.
Information for professionals We know that navigating Children’s Services can be complex therefore this protocol has been developed to aid practitioners understanding of:
This protocol should be read alongside the Continuum of Need document, CYSCP Procedures, Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023 (.pdf) and the Children’s Social Care National Framework.
Read the local protocol for assessment.
Published 18 December 2024.
York Carers Centre are excited to share information about their upcoming LOVE January festival – a month-long celebration of wellbeing and self-care, thoughtfully designed to rejuvenate carers after the busy festive season and encourage them to take some much-needed time for themselves.
It’s all about helping carers restore their incredible resilience and take some much-needed time for themselves, with opportunities for peer support, kindness, and fun.
Highlights include:
Visit the York Carers Centre website for further information.
Published 17 December 2024.
The CYSCP Annual Report 2023 to 2024 and the Annual Report of the Independent Scrutineer 2023 to 2024 have both been published and are now available to view on our website.
Published 5 December 2024.
The CYSCP has updated their Child Exploitation Guidance for 2024 to 2026.
Published 26 November 2024.
North Yorkshire and City of York local authority areas have agreed that any notification of a child or young person who was a Care Leaver (up to the age of 24) at the time of their death will be reported via CDOP. All agencies and practitioners who work in either local authority areas and are or become aware of the death of a care leaver up to the age of 24 then you are responsible for completing the Child Death Form.
Read more about the Death of a Care Leaver Process. We also have a one minute guide on the Death of a Care Leaver Process.
Published 26 November 2024.
Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner Zoë Metcalfe, in partnership with local organisations, has launched an online survey to gather the public’s views on Violence Against Women and Girls, and how we can make a real difference to people’s lives across North Yorkshire and York.
Violence Against Women and Girls refers to any act of violence or abuse that disproportionately affects women or girls and is usually perpetrated by men, including but not limited to domestic abuse, stalking, sexual violence, abuse or exploitation. However, we recognise that men and boys, transgender and non-binary people can also be victims of these crimes, and that women can also be perpetrators.
Although we'll use the term ‘Violence Against Women and Girls’ throughout this survey, we welcome responses from anyone – every gender, every age and every situation – to ensure everyone is given the opportunity to have their views represented.
This new survey seeks to understand the difference we have made to-date since a Joint Strategy to Address Violence Against Women and Girls was launched in June 2022, and if there is anything else the public think should be done locally to tackle Violence Against Women and Girls. We would also like to hear about your specific experiences of violence or abuse, and in particular, the type of response and support you received if you have reported what happened, in order to ensure your views and personal experiences remain central to shaping and driving our local projects and activities.
More information on what Commissioner Zoë and local statutory partners are doing to address violence against women and girls in North Yorkshire and York can be found on the Commissioner’s website.
The Violence Against Women and Girls survey is anonymous and will be reviewed at least every 6 months by the Strategic Governance Board.
Published 26 November 2024.
The Children’s Commissioner has launched the biggest ever survey of schools and colleges in England, to capture up-to-date information about children’s experiences of school and to drive improvements in how they receive support.
All mainstream, special schools, alternative providers, and colleges in England will be required to answer questions relating to support and resources offered to pupils and their families, the staff roles and responsibilities at school, and the characteristics and vulnerabilities of pupils. Take part in the Children's Commissioner: The School Survey 2024.
Published 26 November 2024.
This training session is an opportunity for professionals to learn more about York Carers Centre, and the support available for unpaid carers across the city.
To book, go to the course page on MyLO and click ‘access this course’ at the top of the page and then ‘sign up’ next to the date that you want to attend. Book a place on the Identifying and supporting carers: introducing York Carers Centre course. Managers can book places for members of their team using the ‘allocate place for team’ option.
Published 26 November 2024.
The Young Carers Covenant was launched on Young Carers Action Day in May. It's a series of 10 outcomes that young people with caring responsibilities from across the UK have highlighted as being key to improving their lives.
The Covenant was developed by young carers working with the All Party Parliamentary Group for Carers.
Signing up to the Covenant shows your support for young carers and young adult carers and your commitment to doing what you can to help make these outcomes a reality.
Both individuals and organisations can sign the Covenant and signatories pledge to take practical and meaningful action to support young carers and young adult carers so they can have the same life opportunities as other children and young people.
Sign up to the The Young Carers Covenant.
Published 26 November 2024.
A number of training sessions are scheduled for January to April 2025. Book a place on the Prevent training.
Training will include:
Further training sessions will be added throughout the year. Find out more about Prevent training.
Published 26 November 2024.
The North East Prevent monthly newsletter is produced by the Prevent Education Coordinator working for DfE, Christopher Sybenga.
This free resource supports educational providers to be Prevent compliant for OFSTED inspections. The newsletter highlights free courses delivered by Department for Education, free Prevent resources and linked articles. In addition it highlights related media articles within the North East.
As a school or provider feel free to sign up to the Prevent Newsletter.
Published 26 November 2024.
Earlier this year the City of York Safeguarding Children Partnership held a Development Day which was attended by senior leaders at our relevant agencies.
Young people attended this Development Day and delivered a powerful presentation on the impact of language when working with children and young people.
Senior leaders committed to producing a multi-agency pledge for all partners.
The Voice and Involvement Sub-Group has subsequently prioritised this and developed a ‘language pledge.'
We would encourage all our partners to commit to this pledge, and share and discuss within your meetings.
Published 8 November 2024.
Baby Week is coming to York for the first time this November. The national initiative, Thursday 14 November to Wednesday 20 November 2024, celebrates services working with young families and raises awareness of the importance of early childhood.
As a host city, York will celebrate the work of local maternity and early years services, helping to give every baby the best start in life. Parents and carers across the city will be able to find out more about the amazing range of services available to young children and their families, and take part in local events and activities including storytime, stay and play events and a nearly new sale of children’s toys and clothes.
A reminder that the CYSCP also has a dedicated section of the website which contains resources for professionals in relation to babies and pregnancy.
Published 8 November 2024.
Anti-Bullying Week is observed every year in the third week of November. This year it is held from Monday 11 November to Friday 15 November 2024.
Recognizing that bullying has a long-term effect on the victim’s mental health and quality of life, the holiday seeks to combat bullying by encouraging a zero-tolerance policy. Schools and communities can set up systems to eradicate bullying and build a safe community that welcomes everyone with open arms.
Anti-Bullying Week takes place in the UK and involves thousands of schools, coordinating with hundreds of volunteers at the student and teaching levels.
This year’s theme is ‘Choose Respect’. The Anti-Bullying Alliance website has further information.