A boy's hand thrust forward towards the camera

About the CYSCP

Welcome to the City of York's Safeguarding Children Partnership (CYSCP).

Our vision is:

For all the children of York to grow up in safety and to always feel safe.

The CYSCP have produced a One Minute Guide - What is CYSCP?, which explains and summarises what the partnership is and its role.

The Children Act 2004, as amended by the Children and Social Work Act 2017, and the associated statutory guidance Working together to safeguard children (2023) replaced Local Safeguarding Children Boards with new local multi-agency safeguarding partnership arrangements (MASA).

The new MASA arrangements placed new duties on the 3 Statutory Safeguarding Partners (namely: the Local Authority, the Police and the Clinical Commissioning Group) in local areas, to make arrangements to work together, and with other relevant agencies locally, to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children in their area.

Within the City of York, the 3 partners were identified as:

The Children's Act 1989 provides the legislative framework for child protection in England.

This is strengthened by the Children Act 2004, which encourages partnerships between agencies and creates more accountability.

Both of these acts are amended by the Children and Social Work Act 2017.

The CYSCP believes in the need for continual improvement and strives towards making a positive difference for children within the City of York.

CYSCP works in accordance with the statutory guidance Working together to safeguard children (2023).

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In 2023, the CYSCP appointed Mel John-Ross as the CYSCP Independent Scrutineer.

Ms John Ross’ role is to challenge the partnership in all areas of its work, highlighting areas needing improvement, as well as good practice. The aim is to help make services across the city safer for children and young people.

Mel brings a wealth of experience to her role as a qualified children’s social worker, serving as an Executive Director for Children’s Services at Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council.

At the time of her appointment, Mel John Ross, said:

I am delighted to be joining the City of York’s Safeguarding Children’s Partnership as the new Independent Scrutineer.

"I look forward to working with partners from across the children’s partnership, who deliver services for children and young people, as well as the many colleagues and organisations who shape and contribute to York being a city where children and young people thrive.

“My role will be to support partners in achieving the very best outcomes for children, young people and their families; to hear and respond to children’s voices and lived experiences and to shine a light and celebrate best practice by the dedicated practitioners from across the partnership.

“Equally, to support and contribute to culture that is highly ambitious and aspirational for children and young people, and one that is open and reflective to continuous learning and continuous improvement.”

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In Spring 2020 a review of the governance structure was commissioned. Later that year a new structure was approved and implemented.

  • CYSCP Executive
    • Partnership Development Sessions
    • CDOP
    • Voice and Involvement Subgroup
    • Safeguarding and Professional Practice Subgroup
    • Learning and Performance Subgroup
    • Case Review Subgroup
    • Child Exploitation Subgroup
      • MACEM
    • MASH Strategic Group
      • MASH Operational Group

Further information about the CYSCP governance structure is detailed within the CYSCP Local Safeguarding Arrangements, and also the CYSCP One Minute Guide - What is the City of York Safeguarding Children's Partnership.

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Following the implementation of a new governance structure, the CYSCP Local Safeguarding Arrangements have been produced. This document is under review in line with Working Together to Safeguard Children 2023. A new version will be published no later than Tuesday 31 December 2024.

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The 3 Statutory Safeguarding Partners and other agencies in the CYSCP work together to create a positive culture of sharing information and facilitate legally compliant and effective data sharing practices. The Department for Education has produced Information sharing advice for safeguarding practitioners for people who provide safeguarding services to children, young people, parents and carers.

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All Safeguarding Children's Partnerships are required to publish annual reports outlining the work of the partnership over the previous year.

Current annual report

Previous annual reports

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The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI Act) provides the public with a general right of access to information held by public bodies, such as local government, the police, the NHS and state schools.

The City of York Safeguarding Children's Partnership is a statutory partnership in its own right set up under the Children Act 2004 and is not a public authority for the purposes of the FOI Act. It is therefore exempt from the duty to provide information under the FOI Act.

Section 3 of the FOI Act provides that:

  • (2) For the purposes of this Act, information is held by a public authority if
    • (a) it is held by the authority, otherwise than on behalf of another person, or
    • (b) it is held by another person on behalf of the authority

An FOI request may be made directly to partner agencies of the CYSCP. Where a CYSCP partner which is deemed to be a public authority under the FOI Act holds information for its own purposes, then it does so otherwise than on behalf of another person and the information held will be subject to the FOI Act. However, partners in possession of documents such as CYSCP minutes, documents and reports are holding this information on behalf of ‘another person’ (the CYSCP) and it is therefore not liable to disclosure under a FOI request.

Details of how to access information from a public body can be found on the Information Commissioner’s website.

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The CYSCP website is regularly updated with useful information for professionals, parents and carers and children and young people. See our latest news page for further information.

The CYSCP also produce a monthly CYSCP Newsletter to communicate information to professionals. Colleagues can sign up to receive our newsletter.

Please also follow YorkSCP on Twitter.

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City of York Safeguarding Children Partnership
West Offices
Station Rise

Email: [email protected]

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